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하이리움산업, 제주도 충전소 사업 본격 추진
25 Mar 2024
News & Media
하이리움산업, 제주도 충전소 사업 본격 추진
Our Youtube
Visit our YouTube channel to get an insight into our company, products, and technologies.
Hylium Industries - Who We Are 2023
Hylium Industries - Who We Are
HyliumX - Hylium Industries Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drone
[Hylium Industries] Mobile Hydrogen Refueling Station - mHRS
HyliumX - Liquid Hydrogen Drone
Hylium Industries LH2 Drone, mHRS / 하이리움산업의 액화수소 드론과 이동식 액화수소충전소 소개
Hylium Industries [English]
Hylium Industries [Korean]
HyDrone, Powered by Liquid Hydrogen is now Flying. 시험 비행중인 하이리움산업의 액화수소 드론
Liquid Hydrogen Powered Drone - HyDrone [ENG SUB]
HyDrone Power Pack - Liquid Hydrogen Power Pack for Drones
Hylium Industries Introduction
Hylium Industries提供更高效、安全的新型移动液态氢加氢站
Liquid Nitrogen Chamber Testing
Hydrogen Powered Drone - Take Off at Samcheok Beach, Gangwon, South Korea
Hydrogen Powered Drone is Flying more than 5 hours
Hydrogen vehicle refueling by mHRS Feb 17, 2020
Hydrogen vehicle refueling by mHRS Feb 14, 2020
Ultra lightweight liquid hydrogen tank for FC trucks and buses - Hylium Industries
Liquid hydrogen drone 5hr flight
한국경제tv 혁신성장 코리아 - 하이리움산업
하이리움산업(주) Hylium Industries
Liquid Hydrogen Powered Industrial Drone
LH2 Tank Drop Test
Hylium Industries, Inc.
World First Liquid Hydrogen Powered Drone by Hylium Industries Inc.
Our Youtube
Visit our YouTube channel to get an insight into our company, products, and technologies.
Hylium Industries - Who We Are 2023
Hylium Industries - Who We Are
HyliumX - Hylium Industries Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drone
[Hylium Industries] Mobile Hydrogen Refueling Station - mHRS
HyliumX - Liquid Hydrogen Drone
Hylium Industries LH2 Drone, mHRS / 하이리움산업의 액화수소 드론과 이동식 액화수소충전소 소개
Hylium Industries [English]
Hylium Industries [Korean]
HyDrone, Powered by Liquid Hydrogen is now Flying. 시험 비행중인 하이리움산업의 액화수소 드론
Liquid Hydrogen Powered Drone - HyDrone [ENG SUB]
HyDrone Power Pack - Liquid Hydrogen Power Pack for Drones
Hylium Industries Introduction
Hylium Industries提供更高效、安全的新型移动液态氢加氢站
Liquid Nitrogen Chamber Testing
Hydrogen Powered Drone - Take Off at Samcheok Beach, Gangwon, South Korea
Hydrogen Powered Drone is Flying more than 5 hours
Hydrogen vehicle refueling by mHRS Feb 17, 2020
Hydrogen vehicle refueling by mHRS Feb 14, 2020
Ultra lightweight liquid hydrogen tank for FC trucks and buses - Hylium Industries
Liquid hydrogen drone 5hr flight
한국경제tv 혁신성장 코리아 - 하이리움산업
하이리움산업(주) Hylium Industries
Liquid Hydrogen Powered Industrial Drone
LH2 Tank Drop Test
Hylium Industries, Inc.
World First Liquid Hydrogen Powered Drone by Hylium Industries Inc.
COPYRIGHT © Hylium Industries, Inc.
하이리움산업이 제주도 내 가스에너지를 공급하는 LPG 업체인
천마와 제주도에 수소충전소 및 저장시설 설치,
수소운송과 공급을 위한 업무협약을 체결하였습니다.
양사 대표는 2030년까지 제주도가 탄소배출이 없는
청정 생태계를 만든다는 목표에 따라 도내에 원활한 수소충전을
위한 충전소 설치, 수소유통시스템 구축, 수소인력 양성과 기술제휴 등
포괄적 협력사업을 추진할 계획입니다.
천마는 제주도내 가스에너지를 공급하는 LPG 전문기업으로 차량용
LPG 충전소 3곳, LPG 용기충전소 3곳,
가스운반 탱크로리 20량과 운송차량 20여 대를 운영하고 있습니다.
이러한 에너지사업 경험을 토대로 제주도의 수소에너지 보급 증가에 맞추어
올해부터 수소충전소 구축과 수소 유통에 적극 나서기로 하였습니다.